RESPECT.- We deeply value each person who is part of our community. We provide respectful and cordial treatment, fostering an environment of trust and collaboration.


INTEGRITY.- Pillar of our actions at Waka-s Textiles. From everyday decisions to long-term strategies, we maintain a high ethical standard that goes beyond honesty. Our integrity is manifested in consistency and transparency in every interaction.


RESPONSIBILITY.- In our company, responsibility is more than a commitment; It is a promise that we fulfill timely and effectively. We strive to consistently comply with the agreed commitments. This responsibility is reflected in the quality of our products, respect for the environment and the positive contribution to the communities in which we operate.


INNOVATION.- At Waka-s Textiles, we embrace innovation as a driver of change. We strive to adopt new approaches and practices that constantly propel us forward.


FLEXIBILITY.- En Waka-s Textiles, cultivamos la capacidad de adaptarnos a nuevas circunstancias. Desde cambios en el mercado, tecnología o condiciones operativas, abrazamos la flexibilidad como un medio para evolucionar y mantenernos a la vanguardia en la industria textil.


TEAMWORK.- El trabajo en equipo es esencial. Reconocemos que el éxito colectivo supera cualquier logro individual. Fomentamos la colaboración y la comunicación efectiva entre departamentos y equipos. En Waka-s, todos aportamos al éxito conjunto mediante un esfuerzo unificado.

Street Mariscal Benavides 409, Arequipa 04001, Peru 

Phone:  (054) 234938 / Mail: info@waka-s.com.pe

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